Social Storm Properties

Nearly a decade ago, we developed our Social Storm® program to help investors buy and sell properties that exemplify the self-sufficient, independent living that is the basis of freedoms that made this country great. These properties all share the features of an “A” ranked, high-quality recreational property, but with the additional benefits of wealth preservation, a financial hedge, and a safe retreat in case any one of the things the Bible or government is warning us will happen… from Global Pandemics, Terrorist Attacks, Economic collapse, famines, riots, martial law, or truly anything that threatens societal norms.

Fast-forward to 2020, and we’ve been eerily reminded that bad things can in fact happen. The outbreak of COVID-19 across the globe was a stark awakening of just how imperative a safe place to retreat and/or social distance, and a peaceful abode to relax can be. A Social Storm property has never before been more relevant than it is now in the wake of a pandemic.

These properties are an asset that one owns where, in the case of a bad event, the entire family meets with no questions asked; in uncertain times, these properties are the perfect safe haven for your most precious asset, your family. In good times, they are a great investment and recreational property and a place one would take their family and friends to make memories enjoying the outdoors. These properties have the benefits of two different asset classes; their high-quality recreational values increase in good times and in bad times their attributes help increase value, in fact, it is times like these that these properties are most valuable. This has been evidenced by today’s housing market boom during COVID-19.

We recognized a key difference in most properties is that here, if the country’s stability decreases, the value and demand for these sub-asset class properties increase. These properties have: fertile soils, great water, security, great recreation, sustainable resources, and raise hard assets such as timber, cattle, and crops.

The nation’s top investors and business leaders have been adding properties in this asset class to their portfolios for generations. In fact, Bill Gates is now the US’ biggest farmland owner. What most people don’t know is investors, like Gates, were also buying them for hard times as a safe retreat. Having represented many of them for nearly three decades, we have realized that there is a sub-asset class that is made of certain properties that are a natural hedge against both inflation and bad times. These are properties that investors gravitate to for safety in bad times and buy for a recreation reward in good times.

We developed this exclusive and proprietary program to help investors because we share similar views, are concerned about the same things ourselves, and prioritize having such property. We also have a very strong Biblical worldview and recognize that there are many threats facing our world today. We began ranking and measuring these properties and found we could categorize them into an entirely separate asset class.

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